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Picture from HVS

On the morning of Jan 2, HVS Company organized the "New Year's Celebration and Safe Launch of 2024". At the ceremony, Mr. Kim Song Hag - President gave a speech about the production and business plan and important requirements for 2024. Accordingly, the Company has a revenue plan of 608 million USD, with no serious accidents, keel 15 ships and delivered 15 ships, increased productivity by 4%, focused more on internal stability and established the foundation for future development. To achieve this business goal, the HVS President has some suggestions as follows:

First, a mature safety culture. Employee safety is both the root of the company's existence and a top priority value, nothing can be exchanged. This year the company must achieve the goal of 6 consecutive years without serious accidents, 200 days without accidents, and an accident rate of 0.042%.

Second, we must improve our technological competitiveness for the future in the changing market. As global environmental changes occur, demand for environmentally friendly ships that reduce greenhouse gas emissions is increasing in the shipbuilding industry. Although our company specializes in shipbuilding using conventional internal combustion engines, the world market is shipbuilding using environmentally friendly fuels such as liquefied natural gas (LNG), methanol, ammonia... and electric-powered ships. The company cannot ensure future sustainability if we cannot shipbuilding with such high specifications. Therefore, all departments must redefine their mission, consider whether everything they have done is relevant from a future perspective, and focus on future competitiveness. All sectors must lead change with a more proactive attitude for a sustainable life.

Third, a happy life is created through everyone's active participation. Because the business environment changes rapidly every day, system reorganization and innovation are necessary in all areas such as safety, quality, design, and production. In other words, to further improve quality and safety management using new technologies and methods, and to make the design and production system a more coherent system, the components Employees also need to improve their professional competencies and actively reflect them in their work. At the same time, we must also strive to fulfill our social responsibilities as a clean and transparent company, cooperate for mutual benefit through harmony in labor management, make Subcontractors directly or indirectly develop, protect the environment, and contribute to society.

HVS President believes that, with his proud experience of overcoming many difficulties by gathering his intellectual power together, each department and individual solves each assigned task for the good future. By the end of this year, we will achieve results that will surprise everyone.

On the occasion of the new year 2024, the HVS President wishes all employees and their families good health and good luck.

Immediately after the HVS President's speech was the 2024 safety launch. Mr. Nguyen Quoc Tuan, G.MGR of the Safety and Health Dep't and Mr. Nguyen Van Man, Group Leader of Hull Production Dep't read the resolution safety mindand slogan on behalf of the company's employees.

At the end of the ceremony, the Board of Directors and all employees chanted "Happy New Year" in unison in a joyful and warm atmosphere.