Green Operation
We will operate responsibly to ensure the comfort of the local community.HD HYUNDAI is putting efforts to maintain clean and efficient business sites, for we are responsible not only for our products but also for the well-being of the local community. We operate responsibly, taking into account the impact of our business on the local residents.
- 2,560
hundred millionTotal Environmental Investment (KRW)As of FY 2022 - HD HYUNDAI is actively investing in sustainable business development and facility replacement. This investment is an opportunity to lead the future and a crucial step for sustainable business. We are reviewing various options that may respond to climate change such as hydrogen, CCUS, biofuels, and circular economy. In addition, facility replacement is regularly conducted to check operational performance and emission status, so that our business sites may ensure environmental comfort and safety, keeping harmony with the local community.Coverage: Please refer to the notes in “ESG Library – ESG Performance – HD HYUNDAI(Total), Environmental Investments.”
- 88%Coverage of ISO 14001 CertificationAs of FY 2022
- Under the belief that good products come from good business sites, we have put efforts to maintain safe and clean work environment, preventing negative impacts on the employees and local residents. We established Environmental Management System (ISO 14001) that meets international standards in major domestic and overseas business sites. We also manage pollutants with internal standards that are stricter than the legal requirement.Coverage: Main headquarters and key domestic production facilities
our progress
HD HYUNDAI owns business sites in various regions of Korea and across the world. To protect the environment of local areas and the hopes of future generations within, HD HYUNDAI and its affiliates will join forces to find the best option for the environment and practice low-impact business activities. Please check our diverse activities for environmental management by clicking each business site on the map.

HD HYUNDAIGlobal R&D Center (Bundang)
HD Hyundai’s Global R&D Center (GRC) office building is designed to use the best energy efficiency system in Korea.
Instead of putting pillars inside the building, the cube-shaped structure is surrounded by plaid columns located outside. These steel columns block summer sunlight, keeping the optimal temperature and increasing energy efficiency. The building utilizes regional water heat sources and ground heat to raise eco-friendliness, and endures summer power peaks by using natural energy and heat storage tanks. It also has a rooftop solar power generation facility and a smart management system to optimize energy usage, reducing energy consumption by about 40% compared to a regular office building.
We also promote employee engagement such as ‘No Paper Cup in GRC’ campaign to minimize resource waste.
HD Hyundai InfracoreIncheon Factory
HD Hyundai Infracore thoroughly manages environmental pollutants such as fine dust, waste, and wastewater with a strict level of below 40% of the legal permit.
HD Hyundai Infracore announced its environmental management policy and applies it equally to all employees, subsidiaries, and contractors. We established specific environmental goals for air, water quality, and waste at the level of a 40% reduction compared to BAU by 2030, and are currently implementing the plans step by step.
Knowing the value of resources, the Incheon Factory regularly examines factory equipment along with the design optimization, and strives to improve the resource use efficiency in everyday life. As a notable feat, the Incheon Factory obtained a ZWTL certified ‘Gold’ rating from UL for its consistent resource recycling policy.
HD Hyundai Energy SolutionsEumseong Plant
HD Hyundai Energy Solution's Eumseong Plant owns solar cell and module production line with the capacity of 1.2GW and supplies solar facilities to the domestic and overseas market.
Eumseong Plant minimizes GHG emission in the production process such as nitrous oxide using plasma scrubber facility. It also puts effort to prevent water pollution in the surrounding area with telemonitoring systems (TMS) and reducing wastewater.
Our solar R&D center and UL certified testing laboratory is consistently carrying out research, development, and long-term reliability certification on highly efficient modules.
HD Hyundai OilbankDaesan Headquarter
Daesan Plant, HD Hyundai Oilbank’s headquarter, is located in Seosan, Chungcheongnam-do, equipped with crude oil refining facilities with a capacity of 690,000 barrels per day.
HD Hyundai Oilbank obtained an Integrated Environmental Permit in December 2022 to comprehensively and efficiently manage pollutants generated from Daesan Plant. With the Environmental Management System, we thoroughly check the impact of pollutants regarding air, water, and waste, and strive to minimize pollutant emissions by investing in optimal facilities.
HD Hyundai XiteSolutionGunsan Factory
HD Hyundai XiteSolution’s Gunsan Factory has ISO14001 (Environmental Management System) based on international standards and strives to minimize environmental pollution and damage that may occur from business activities. Complying with environmental laws and prioritizing safety, we inspect environmental facilities related to air, water, and waste within our business sites at least once a month.
HD Hyundai InfracoreGunsan Factory
HD Hyundai Infracore thoroughly manages environmental pollutants such as fine dust, waste, and wastewater with a strict level of below 40% of the legal permit.
HD Hyundai Infracore announced its environmental management policy and applies it equally to all employees, subsidiaries, and contractors. We established specific environmental goals for air, water quality, and waste at the level of a 40% reduction compared to BAU by 2030, and are currently implementing the plans step by step.
The Gunsan Factory established specific plans for the RE100 pilot project and an in-house solar power adoption. Starting with the supply of 2MWp solar power in 2023, we plan to expand the supply of renewable energy up to 10.5MWp (85% of annual power usage) by 2024.
HD Hyundai SamhoYeongam Shipyard
HD Hyundai Samho' Yeongam Shipyard near Mokpo, Jeollanam-do, seeks to improve energy efficiency of large-capacity facilities with a remote control system, ranging from painting equipment, LNG carrier cooling and heating equipment to boilers.
With constant vigilance to pollutants in business sites, we adopted real-time monitoring on air, water, waste, and marine pollution prevention facilities and an automatic water quality monitoring network.
Furthermore, we plan to replace a total of 117 company cars with electric vehicles by 2030, and build 20 charging stations in the shipyard, in accordance with our commitment in joining Korean EV100 initiative.
HD Hyundai RoboticsDaegu Factory
Daegu Hyeonpung Factory, the headquarter of HD Hyundai Robotics, is a semi-automated production plant that manufactures industrial robots. Our robot production process does not discharge wastewater, and we constantly monitor the recycling rate to minimize resource waste. Robotic technologies are also adopted to enhance resource and energy efficiency through the optimal work process.
We successfully built solar power generation facility on the factory roof and reestablished air conditioning and heating standards in the factory building., searching for environmental improvement at all times.
HD Hyundai XiteSolutionGyeongju Factory
HD Hyundai XiteSolution’s Ulsan Factory has ISO14001 (Environmental Management System) based on international standards and strives to minimize environmental pollution and damage that may occur from business activities. Complying with environmental laws and prioritizing safety, we inspect environmental facilities related to air, water, and waste within our business sites at least once a month.
HD Hyundai MipoMohwa Factory
HD Hyundai Mipo’s Mohwa Factory in Gyeongju operates ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System) based on international standards, using the same standard as its headquarter in Ulsan. We are making efforts to realize sustainable management, taking actions as blocking local fugitive dust emissions, preserving the community environment, and monitoring pollutants.
HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore EngineeringUlsan Laboratory
HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering’s research center located in Ulsan Laboratory is responsible for major research such as welding, composite material, and production technique, as well as evaluating product reliability and performance.
The laboratory is equipped with air emission facility in the paint test building to protect air quality from pollutants. We are practicing various methods to minimize environmental impact such as renewing old equipment and facilities, and monitoring pollutants on a regular basis.
When chemicals are used in experiments, we thoroughly review the incoming materials in advance and regularly conduct education to all employees to prevent the negative impact from the use of chemicals.
HD Hyundai Heavy IndustriesUlsan Shipyard
HD Hyundai Heavy Industries’s Ulsan Shipyard upgraded Factory Energy Management System (FEMS) to create a ‘workplace without energy waste’, and is consistently improving facilities including power equipment, compression equipment, hot air blowers, LED lights, etc.
In collaboration with the local government, we also voluntarily reduced fine dust and strived to use better paint for ships, making efforts to protect the air condition of our surroundings.
Our efforts are not limited to air but expands to systematic management of water, waste, and chemicals. We are also taking the lead in protecting the environment in various ways such as ‘HHI Dolphin’, an voluntary response team that quickly resolves marine pollution accidents, and purification activities in nearby rivers.
HD Hyundai MipoUlsan Shipyard
HD Hyundai Mipo’s Ulsan Shipyard strives to reduce energy use by establishing an automatic control system in the painting plant, which accounts for 30% of energy use, along with other efforts to reduce GHG, nitrogen oxides, etc.
It is our policy to reuse the industrial water used in cargo tank pressure tests, and manage the amount of water pollutants with internal standards stricter than the legal permit.
We will continue to work on resource circulation by strengthening waste classification and expanding the range of recyclable items so that the Earth’s limited resources would not be easily discarded.
HD Hyundai XiteSolutionUlsan Factory
HD Hyundai XiteSolution’s Ulsan Factory has ISO14001 (Environmental Management System) based on international standards and strives to minimize environmental pollution and damage that may occur from business activities.
Joining forces with 13 companies in Ulsan, HD Hyundai XiteSolution is participating in ‘autonomous environmental patrol activities’ with the purpose of monitoring vulnerable areas exposed to odor and quickly responding to environmental accidents.
HD Hyundai Construction EquipmentUlsan Campus
HD Hyundai Construction Equipment has an environmental management system (ISO14001) based on international standards and strives to manage air pollutants, water, and chemicals to minimize environmental pollution and damage that may occur from business activities.
We inspect the operation of the environmental management system and legal compliance via internal and external reviews every year.
The company-wide Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) meetings are held every month, and the EHS manager conducts monthly inspections to identify and implement the improvement measures such as removing hazardous chemicals and upgrading wastewater treatment facilities.
HD Hyundai ElectricUlsan and Seonam Plants
HD Hyundai Electric has main production plants in Ulsan and Seonam, both located in Ulsan Metropolitan City.
Through the replacement of the ceiling equipment with LED lamps, the Ulsan Plant is estimated to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 989.2tCO2eq each year, and the Seonam Plant by 264.4tCO2eq every year, owing to the increase in power energy efficiency.
Additionally, the Seonam Plant installed solar panels to produce 500 MWh of electricity annually, and setting a starting point for low-impact operation through renewable energy transition.
HD HYUNDAI owns business sites in various regions of Korea and across the world. In order to protect the environment of local areas and the hopes of future generations within, HD HYUNDAI and its affiliates join forces to find the best option for the environment and practice eco-friendly business activities. Please check our diverse activities for environmental management by clicking each business site on the map.

HD Hyundai InfracoreHD Hyundai Infracore Yantai Co., Ltd.
HD Hyundai Infracore in Yantai, China have strictly complied with environmental laws and regulations, including national and local wastewater discharge standards.
Wastewater is strictly managed at a level below 30-50% of the national discharge permit, and treated wastewater is reused for landscaping. In order to improve environmental performance, we are reducing VOCs emissions by 280 tons per year by installing CRTO, the treatment efficiency of which exceeds 95% and blocks air pollutants generated from painting sites.
In recognition of these efforts, the company received the title of 'Green Factory' in Shandong Province in August 2023.
HD Hyundai XiteSolutionChangzhou Modern Hydraulic Machines Co., Ltd.
Changzhou Modern Hydraulic Machines obtained ISO14001 (environmental management system) since 2021, and is strictly complying with the system.
A regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO) facility was built to treat VOCs from painting, and three scrubbers were installed to treat plating waste, with the filtering capacity of 97%. Additionally, the water reuse rate of the plant’s wastewater treatment facility (SWP) reaches up to 85.4%.
We are striving to fulfill our corporate social responsibility by controlling environmental pollution from the production process and saving resources such as raw materials and energy.
HD Hyundai Construction EquipmentHyundai Jiangsu Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.
Hyundai Jiangsu Construction Machinery is expanding solar power generation. Our 4MW solar panels installed on the roof sized of 77,000m2 can generate 3,800MWh of electricity, amounting to half of the annual power use. Analyzing power use patterns may also lead to efficient ways to save the energy, and the company expects to reduce 3,700 tons of exhaust gas and 1,300 tons of dust emissions per year and reduce annual coal use by 1,400 tons.
We celebrated the ‘Global Volunteer Day of the Three Construction Equipment Companies’ as an in-house campaign and carried out cleanup activities near the Yangtze River to restore the ecosystem and preserve biodiversity, contributing to reducing the environmental impact on the local community.
HD Hyundai Construction EquipmentHD Hyundai Construction Equipment India Pvt. Ltd.
HD Hyundai Construction Equipment signed an MOU to build a 2.5MW power plant on an idle land in Solapur, the city with the highest solar energy efficiency in India, near its Indian subsidiary. The business agreement includes establishing the Energy Management System (EMS) that can maximize solar power generation efficiency.
The construction was completed one month prior to the scheduled date of September 2023, resulting from our active will to enhance environmental performance.
The solar power facility is expected to produce 70% of the annual electricity, leading to the reduction of carbon dioxide by 4,200 tons per year. The solar power will be supplied for the next ten years, and plans are under review to extend it in the future.
HD Hyundai Vietnam Shipbuilding(HVS)
HD Hyundai Vietnam Shipbuilding(HVS), located in Khanh Hoa Province, is the largest shipbuilding company in Vietnam, continuing rapid growth under the support from its parent company, HD Hyundai Mipo.
HVS is continuously working to advance environmental management and transparently disclose environmental performance such as GHG emissions and water usage.
Other efforts include installing high-efficiency frequency converters to increase power efficiency and reduce energy use. Also, we semi-annually participate in beach clean-ups near our business site in Khanh Hoa to provide cleaner environment to the local community.