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HD Hyundai Oilbank Joins No Single-Use Plastic Challenge

HD Hyundai Oilbank’s CEO Chu Young-min participated in the “No Single-Use Plastic Challenge,” nominated by Woo Kee-hong, the CEO of Korean Airlines. Chu Young-min, in turn, nominated Hwang Jin-goo (CEO of Lotte Chemical) and Kim Yoo-shin (CEO of OCI) to join the challenge.

No Single-Use Plastic Challenge is a nationwide campaign encouraging people to replace single-use items with reusable items in daily life. Starting from the Ministry of Environment last February, various organizations and individuals have been nominated for the challenge, where they commit to reducing single-use items via social media and then invite others to continue the chain.

CEO Chu Young-Min expressed his pleasure to participate in the challenge, saying, "I happily joined this challenge because it carries the positive meaning of leaving a clean environment for future generations." He added, “I hope this challenge spreads nationwide, leading to the widespread adoption of reusable items in our daily lives.”