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HDKSOE Helps Partner Firms to Achieve Carbon Neutrality

HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering (HDKSOE) is reaching out to its partner firms to help them achieve carbon neutrality.

HDKSOE announced on April 21 that it recently signed the business agreement at the HD Hyundai Global R&D Center for ‘Joint Cooperation on GHG Reduction in the Shipbuilding Industry’ with Korea East-West Power (EWP) and the Korea SMEs and Startups Agency (KOSME). 

The Joint Cooperation on GHG Reduction in the Shipbuilding Industry is a project that supports GHG emissions reduction efforts of small and medium-sized shipyard partners in connection with the project titled ‘Support for SMEs’ Carbon Neutral Transition’ managed by the KOSME. The key is to maximize energy efficiency in the workplace by replacing existing air compressors used by partners with high-efficiency equipment. It is expected that replacing one unit will cut GHG emissions by approximately 30 to 60 tons per year.

To this end, HDKSOE, together with EWP, plans to support replacement, maintenance and repair of equipment for small and medium-sized partners in the HD Hyundai Group's shipbuilding sector (HDKSOE, HHI, HMD, and HSHI). At the same time, they will also provide carbon emission measurement and management solutions to help the efficient energy management of those with difficulty in establishing dedicated ESG organizations. HDKSOE plans to expand the scope of support to up to 1,000 partner companies. 

Kim Sung-joon, CEO of HDKSOE said, “ESG has long been an essential element of corporate management,” and added, “I hope this cooperation project can take root as a win-win model for achieving the nation’s GHG reduction goal.” 

Meanwhile, HDKSOE has been consistently carrying out ESG support activities for its partner firms to create a sustainable ecosystem and maintain a stable supply chain, such as contributing to the ‘Coexisting Cooperation Fund’, the first in the shipbuilding and offshore industry, providing ESG consulting services, and supporting the establishment of smart systems within partner factories.