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First Meeting of Group ESG Council Held

HHI Group held its first meeting of HHI Group ESG Council, composed of chief ESG officials from 11 affiliates including Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering (KSOE) and Hyundai Oilbank on July 8. The Group’s top ESG managers reviewed ESG management status of each affiliates and discussed the Group-wide action plans for carbon neutrality.

During the meeting, the ESG heads received an initial report on the Group’s ESG vision, which had been drafted by a consulting firm, Samil PwC. Each affiliate also shared its updates and achievement of ESG management and discussed various topics for:

⦁ systematic disclosure of environmental information to address climate change;
⦁ commitments to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 by means of renewable energy, hydrogen value chain    and smart yards;
⦁ organizational reinforcement for environmental management;
⦁ directives for supply chain ESG management by setting up ESG evaluation models for the Group’s    suppliers;
⦁ internship program for college students.

 Ka Sam-hyun, Chief ESG Officer of the Group said, “Our utmost priority is to draw a long-term roadmap with detailed action plans. From now on, I will try to check and confirm whether our ESG actions are on the right track in regular meetings of Group ESG Council.”